Sep 21Liked by Cab Franc Chronicles

As you may remember, I spent a week a pied in Anjou Noir in early June 2022. The temperature was up to 113°F. All the vignerons couldn't help but talk about climate change and the future for Anjou wines. Emmanuel Ogereau was especially pessimistic about the future. His feelings of "helplessness" during our conversations were palpable.

In 2019 I was in the vineyards of Vouvray at the beginning of harvest (1st week of September). So many grapes were totally brulee from the summer heat.

I found your charts very interesting and very worthwhile studying. I am curious about what they represent. The Loire wine region extends along Loire River and its tributaries for around 1,000 kilometers. From Cotes du Forez to Pays Nantais. That means, of course, that weather data will be quite different for different AOPs. From Continental to Maritime. So, what is the weather data based upon? Is it some kind of average? Which has limited utility. Or, because we are talking about Loire Cabernet Franc, is it weather data for Middle Loire (Saumur, in effect)?

Allison, I so appreciate your passion and intense focus on Cab Franc. You're a legend in the making! 🥂

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Thank you for reading, Bobby, and I appreciate you taking time to comment. Indeed I do recall your visit to the Loire in 2022, we were like ships in the night as I was there just a few weeks before you. I’m glad you find the charts interesting. As I mentioned in the post, the charts and data are from the Chinon AOC and specific to that region. So I do believe they are a strong guide in thinking about the vintages for Bourgueil/St-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil, Saumur/Saumur-Champigny as well. Though, as you pointed out, the Loire is a huge region, so they would not likely be helpful in thinking about Muscadet, or Pouilly-Fumé/Sancerre, but perhaps ok for Anjou or Vouvray. Hope that helps. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. Many thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm for my work, Bobby. I appreciate you.

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Sep 20Liked by Cab Franc Chronicles

Yes!! Had to get a 2022 of Domaine de la Noblaie, Les Chiens Chiens (I bought their last 2018s!) can’t wait to try - watching your video on their 2014 vintage now 🙏

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Nice!! I love that wine. It might be one of my favourites in their range. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. 🤩🙌

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